Wednesday, March 2, 2011

F-Se! A História, dizem, é feita pelos vencedores, Irão 1979 a 2011: O Bravo Silêncio Ocidental Face À Magnânima República Islâmica do Irão.


Crimes against humanity committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran explores the subject of human rights abuse in Iran since 1979. Possibly the first film on this subject to be made in Canada by a Canadian/Iranian film maker, A Few Simple Shots unveils the shocking ways that countless Iranians have had their personal rights and freedoms violated by the current political regime. Using a rapid sequence of interview shots, the film reveals Iran from the perspective of such organizations as Amnesty International and The United Nations and through the voices of many eminent Canadian and Iranian academics, writers political activists, feminists and artists who are living outside of Iran.

F-Se! 33 Anos a Vencer Vidas, a República Islâmica do Irão, para que a Histórias destes Anos do Irão seja a História dos Direitos Humanos Derrotados com todas as nuances da baixeza Y crueldade humana. .