Friday, March 18, 2011

Digital Media by Jesse Allison

Here's a review/post about a piece assistant professor Jesse Allison made in collaboration with the visual artist John Fillwalk that was released this week.  

The piece made the Second Life editors destination list.    or

The mobile device controlled version is going to be unveiled at the RIMMEA conference NSF event on the 18th.   

Jesse Allison is a faculty member in the The Arts, Visualization, Advanced Technologies and Research, or AVATAR, Initiative in Digital Media and assistant professor in LSU's School of Music, where he is a faculty member in the Experimental Music & Digital Media area. He also holds a joint appointment with the LSU Center for Computation & Technology, where AVATAR is housed. Prior to joining LSU, he worked as a sonic and hybrid media artist, serving as the Virtual Worlds Coordinator for Interactive Arts Research and Development for Digital Intermedia Art and Animation (IDIA) at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. Allison is also President of Hardware Engineering of Electrotap, LLC, an innovative media arts firm.

As an artist, Allison has disseminated works and research around the globe through live performance art, interactive installations, virtual and hybrid worlds installations, and paper presentations. At Electrotap, he has developed sensor technology, interactive software, and commercial audio plugins through all stages of production. Through his research at IDIA, he taught sonic and hybrid arts and led teams of faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and external organizations in large-scale projects. Allison received his doctor of musical arts in composition from UMKC (the University of Missouri -- Kansas City).