Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Janice H. Pellar Creative Arts Entrepreneurship Project events

In the course of two weeks the Janice H. Pellar Creative Arts Entrepreneurship Project is pleased to present:
This Friday and Saturday (March 18-19) "How to Market your ideas, your projects, and yourself," led by Sean Reusch, a successful performer/teacher/chamber musician in San Diego, CA.  He has taught at UCSD and San Diego State Universities.  The workshops will particularly focus on marketing to presenters conferences and agents.
Next Friday, March 25  - "Why must we be entrepreneurial" and "Nuts and Bolts of being your own business - taxes, bookkeeping, and intellectual property," led by Ray Ricker from the Eastman School of Music.  Ray will also be discussing his "Street-Wise Professor" book.  
All the Friday events will take place in MDA 249 beginning at 3:30 - 6:30 pm with a pizza break in the middle.  Saturday March 19th will go from 9:30 am until 12:00.