Tuesday, August 31, 2010

F-Se! " You, Free Humans, Please Help Me."

" I´m the prisioner Behnam Zare

It's been three years
that I live in Nazi Abad prison in Shiraz

I'm a murderer

I commetted a murder when I was 15.

I deeply regret and I'm sorry.

You, free humans, please help me  

What happened was just an accident.

I didn't want to do it.

Please help me.

I want to stay alive.
I Want to be free.

I'm living the last tree day of my life.

I can be hanged any minute.

I Want my voice be yeard by all the people who can help me.

Is there anyone out there 
who can help me? "

( Documentário Obrigatório! )

F-Se! "Is there anyone out there who can help me? " 

PS.: Behnam Zare Foi Uma Dessas crianças Executadas No Irão.