Friday, August 27, 2010

Tax Dollars at Work: PBS Promotes Art Online

On August 23rd, the Public Broadcasting System launched a new web portal for promoting the arts. PBS Arts spearheads an overall expansion of arts programming to take place over the next year that will include a night each week dedicated solely to the arts. What makes this development especially encouraging is that the emphasis remains on the public, social component of art in America. From Katrina to Guantanamo Bay, the art appearing in these virtual exhibitions takes a no holds barred look at how contemporary art reflects what is happening in America. PBS Arts puts your tax dollars to work to show you just how relevant the arts are to American life today. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Tax Dollars at Work."

[Image: Eleanor Antin. Plaisir d'Amour (after Couture) from Helen's Odyssey, 2007. Chromogenic print, 61 x 92 1/2 inches.]