Sunday, August 22, 2010


Iran Zendan - A Movie by Daryush Shokof (2010) from Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin on Vimeo.

"This film can be embedded into other websites. STOP THE BOMB calls on the international community to spread this film, which is an accusation against the Iranian regime which has turned into a living hell for anybody who opposes it. Spreading the film is an act of solidarity with the Iranian opposition."

F-S Dando a Palavra ao realizador: "He started off by saying that I had insulted Islam, Khomeini and the Islamic Republic of Iran with my movies and that I would be killed. I tried my best to convince the man to give me a chance so that I could prove to him that I was not anti-Islam, that I was born into an Islamic family under the name of Alireza and have the highest respect for such great men in the Islamic world as Sohraverdi, Mansour Hallaj, Attar, Hafiz, Khayaam and Molavi. The man was quiet for a while and listened to me all throughout my monologue. Finally, he told me that if I would not be killed it is only because I am the only person who could and should stop the films to be released. Thereafter they gave me Pizza to eat and then a terribly bittersweet water fluid that caused me fall into deep asleep every time I drank that substance. I remained in a delirium even after I came back to myself after the effect of the drug was reduced. ... 
(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, I would never bow to the Mullah Regime in Iran. Not only I am not scared or tired from the effects of the horrible events I had to deal with but more than ever would I continue to fight against the barbaric Islamic Republic Regime in Iran until my last breath. I have dedicated both my films “Iran Zendan” and “Hitler`s Grave” to the cause of the Iranians and their struggle for freedom and peace. That is why I would place the film “Iran Zendan” on the webpage of the Committee for Protection for Daryush Shokof. Any and all incomes from the viewing of the film will go to help the families of all those who lost their loved ones in Iran prisons as political prisoners and those whose loved ones are still in those horrific prisons awaiting unclear destinies.

F-Se2! Também faço coro com o Realizador: "Thank you very much for your attention."