Saturday, August 28, 2010

F-se! Largo Camões, 28 de Agosto de 2010! Eu! Eu! Só ouvi Isto. Claro, há sempre uma dimensão paralela.

The Oficial Uprising Song of Iranian People

" Please support us Iranian students by chanting this sorood / song in your demonstrations across the WORLD in the coming week. Please rate, write comments and share this with the WORLD. Thank you all for your support. This shows to the World that not all Iranians are bigots, terrorists and fanatics. TheIranian2009 Iranian Students Foundation. WE WILL FIGHT ON, WE WILL FIGHT ON FOR OURSELVES AND FOR THE WORLD. Please also see our other video showing those who were killed. "

-  Iran’s Tragic Joke, by Roger Cohen - 

F-se! "I have a Dream" Um dia cantarei Isto Na Praça Azadi em Teerão! #Azadi #Iran
F-se! "No, Iran is not a banana republic. It’s a sophisticated nation of 75 million people.", Roger Cohen.