Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pokémon VideoGame Championships 2011! [PT-ENG]

Olá a todos!

Foram anunciadas as regras para quem quiser participar nos Video Games Championships de Pokémon este ano!

Os grandes vencedores disputarão o título no Mundial de Pokémon em San Diego, Califórnia!

As regras são as seguintes:

Em todos os torneios, serão utilizados apenas cartuchos das versões de Pokémon Black & Pokémon White;

Os jogadores esó podem usar os Pokémon da Região de Unova;
Não serão permitidos Pokémon repetidos na Team de um treinador;
Haverá três categorias para os competidores:

Divisão Júnior: Nascidos em 2000 ou depois (2001, 2002, ...);
Divisão Sénior: Nascidos entre 1996 e 1999;
Divisão Masters: Nascidos em 1995 ou antes (1994, 1993, ...)

Todos os Pokémon que estiverem acima do level 50, serão "rebaixados" temporariamente ao level 50. Aqueles que estiverem abaixo do level 50 permanecerão inalterados.

Além disso, durante o torneio serão realizadas batalhas duplas. Os treinadores poderão registrar de 4 a 6 Pokémons no início da competição e antes do começo de cada batalha, selecionarão 4 Pokémon para competir, usando 2 de cada vez.


Hello everyone!

Now we have the official rules for the Pokémon VideoGame Championships 2011! 

Below is the press release:

Join players from around the world and get ready to compete in the 2011 Pokémon Video Game Championship series! The series starts this spring and consists of multiple events across the United States and Europe - events where anyone can compete. Top players from the National Championships will be invited to the Pokémon Video Game World Championships, taking place this August in San Diego, California!

Here’s a quick snapshot of the major changes you’ll see at the 2011 Pokémon Video Game Championship competitions.
All of the events will be played exclusively on Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version, which will launch in early March. Players will be limited to Pokémon from the Unova Pokédex only, and no two Pokémon on a player’s team can have the same Pokédex number.

Players will compete in one of three age divisions, based on their date of birth:

  • Junior Division: Born in 2000 or later
  • Senior Division: Born in 1996, 1997, 1998, or 1999
  • Masters Division: Born in 1995 or earlier

Each battle will use the Double Battle rules. Players may register 4–6 Pokémon at the beginning of the tournament. Before the start of each battle, players will select 4 Pokémon to use that round, with two Pokémon active at once.

During each battle, all Pokémon will be capped at Level 50. Any Pokémon that is Level 51 or higher will temporarily be reduced to Level 50 for the duration of each battle. Pokémon that are Level 49 or lower will not be raised to Level 50. Pokémon retain all moves they’ve learned, regardless of when they were learned.

Look out for more details after the release of Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version!