Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nomes "Ocidentais" dos Pokémons da 5ª Geração revelados! English Names of all 5th Pokémon Generation revelead! [PT-ENG]

Olá a todos!

Foram revelados os nomes de todos os Pokémons "oficiais" da 5ª Geração em inglês!

Na minha opinião os nomes estão horríveis... mas pronto, temos que nos habituar... xD

Fiquem com a lista mais abaixo!

Hello everyone!

Was revealed the names of all Pokemon "official" 5th Generation in English!

In my opinion the english names are horrible, after all i played the new games for 3 times, im very "linked" to their japanese names now....but...well...xD

Stay with the list below!
  • #494 – Victini
  • #495 – Snivy
  • #496 – Servine
  • #497 – Serperior (Rhyperior!)
  • #498 – Tepig
  • #499 – Pignite
  • #500 – Emboar
  • #501 – Oshawott
  • #502 – Dewott
  • #503 – Samurott
  • #504 – Patrat
  • #505 – Watchog
  • #506 – Lillipup
  • #507 – Herdier
  • #508 – Stoutland
  • #509 – Purrloin
  • #510 – Liepard
  • #511 – Pansage
  • #512 – Simisage
  • #513 – Pansear
  • #514 – Simisear
  • #515 – Panpour
  • #516 – Simipour
  • #517 – Munna
  • #518 – Musharna
  • #519 – Pidove
  • #520 – Tranquill
  • #521 – Unfezant
  • #522 – Blitzle
  • #523 – Zebstrika
  • #524 – Roggenrola
  • #525 – Boldore
  • #526 – Gigalith
  • #527 – Woobat
  • #528 – Swoobat
  • #529 – Drilbur
  • #530 – Excadrill
  • #531 – Audino
  • #532 – Timburr
  • #533 – Gurdurr
  • #534 – Conkeldurr
  • #535 – Tympole
  • #536 – Palpitoad
  • #537 – Seismitoad
  • #538 – Throh
  • #539 – Sawk
  • #540 – Sewaddle
  • #541 – Swadloon
  • #542 – Leavanny
  • #543 – Venipede
  • #544 – Whirlipede
  • #545 – Scolipede
  • #546 – Cottonee
  • #547 – Whimsicott
  • #548 – Petilil
  • #549 – Lilligant
  • #550 – Basculin
  • #551 – Sandile
  • #552 – Krokorok
  • #553 – Krookodile
  • #554 – Darumaka
  • #555 – Darmanitan
  • #556 – Maractus
  • #557 – Dwebble
  • #558 – Crustle
  • #559 – Scraggy
  • #560 – Scrafty
  • #561 – Sigilyph
  • #562 – Yamask
  • #563 – Cofagrigus
  • #564 – Tirtouga
  • #565 – Carracosta
  • #566 – Archen
  • #567 – Archeops
  • #568 – Trubbish
  • #569 – Garbodor
  • #570 – Zorua
  • #571 – Zoroark
  • #572 – Minccino
  • #573 – Cinccino
  • #574 – Gothita
  • #575 – Gothorita
  • #576 – Gothitelle
  • #577 – Solosis
  • #578 – Duosion
  • #579 – Reuniclus
  • #580 – Ducklett
  • #581 – Swanna
  • #582 – Vanillite
  • #583 – Vanillish
  • #584 – Vanilluxe
  • #585 – Deerling
  • #586 – Sawsbuck
  • #587 – Emolga
  • #588 – Karrablast
  • #589 – Escavalier
  • #590 – Foongus
  • #591 – Amoonguss
  • #592 – Frillish
  • #593 – Jellicent
  • #594 – Alomomola
  • #595 – Joltik
  • #596 – Galvantula
  • #597 – Ferroseed
  • #598 – Ferrothorn
  • #599 – Klink
  • #600 – Klang
  • #601 – Klinklang
  • #602 – Tynamo
  • #603 – Eelektrik
  • #604 – Eelektross
  • #605 – Elgyem
  • #606 – Beheeyem
  • #607 – Litwick
  • #608 – Lampent
  • #609 – Chandelure
  • #610 – Axew
  • #611 – Fraxure
  • #612 – Haxorus
  • #613 – Cubchoo (one of my favourite 5th generation Pokémon! But not with this name, for God's sake! xD)
  • #614 – Beartic
  • #615 – Cryogonal
  • #616 – Shelmet
  • #617 – Accelgor
  • #618 – Stunfisk
  • #619 – Mienfoo
  • #620 – Mienshao
  • #621 – Druddigon
  • #622 – Golett
  • #623 – Golurk
  • #624 – Pawniard
  • #625 – Bisharp
  • #626 – Bouffalant
  • #627 – Rufflet
  • #628 – Braviary
  • #629 – Vullaby
  • #630 – Mandibuzz
  • #631 – Heatmor
  • #632 – Durant
  • #633 – Deino
  • #634 – Zweilous
  • #635 – Hydreigon
  • #636 – Larvesta
  • #637 – Volcarona
  • #638 – Cobalion
  • #639 – Terrakion
  • #640 – Virizion
  • #641 – Tornadus
  • #642 – Thundurus
  • #643 – Reshiram
  • #644 – Zekrom
  • #645 – Landorus
  • #646 – Kyurem