Monday, January 31, 2011

F-Se! Bravo Egipto! Amanhã é o Dia!

( Vídeo Via @watergatesummer )

Face a tanta Bravura fica-nos o Silêncio, a Admiração Y os Votos Cívicos&Humanos para que amanhã a Alma Brava acompanhe os Cidadãos do Egipto na sua Luta pela Liberdade. Uma Liberdade que sabem Cívica sem Deus ou Representantes terrenos D/dele ou detentores de Monopólios de hegemonias humanas aferíveis  - em única instância - por contas bancárias. 
F-Se! 9:47'' de Revolução! -  @Gamaleid tweets: "Egypt uprising, people chant "not religious nor military but civilian"."

Novas Nintendo Dsi! New Nintendo DSi! [PT-ENG]

Olá pessoal!

Tudo bem com vocês?

Espero que sim!

As surpresas no Mundo Pokémon não páram!

Com o lançamento dentro de pouco tempo de Pokémon Black Version e de Pokémon White Version, a Nintendo decidiu colocar à venda na Europa dois novos modelos da consola DSi!  

Estes produtos estarão à venda a 4 de Março [Europa] e 6 de Março [América] nas lojas Game e Gamestop!

As consolas serão dedicadas aos Pokémons Zekrom e Reshiram, as estrelas dos novos jogos!

Fiquem com as imagens!

Um pack especial - a nova Nintendo DSi + o jogo!

As novas consolas!


Hello everybody!

How are you?

I hope you are fine!

The surprises do not stop in the Pokémon World! xD

With the release shortly of Pokemon Black Version and Pokémon White Version, Nintendo decided to put on sale, in Europe, two new DSi models!

These products will be on sale begining at 4 March [Europe] and 6 March [America] at Game and Gamestop stores!

The consoles will be dedicated to Zekrom and Reshiram, the stars of the new games!

Stay with images!

Special Pack: New DSi + Pokémon Black or Pokémon White!

 The new consoles!

Triumph at New Orleans Opera

LSU School of Music alum Lisette Oropesa ('06) performed brilliantly in Bizet's "The Pearl Fishers" with the New Orleans Opera.  She is carrying her LSU Alumni sweatshirt (below) to her next role as Lucia in Lucia di Lammermoor with the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Dusseldorf.

Geaux Tigers!!!
Prof. Terry Patrick Harris, Lisette Oropesa, Prof. Robert Grayson (her professor from LSU)
and Dean Laurence Kaptain

The nation's only musician-owned orchestra, the LPO ranks as a leader in quality and innovation Published: Sunday, January 30, 2011, 5



Photos by Ted Jackson

Shiny Suicune Event! [ENG]

Hello there!

Today begins the last "US Crowned Beasts" distribution at Game Stops across America!

From today 31 January until February 6, you can get a Shiny Suicune at any Game Stop stores!

Like the previous beasts given away in this event, this Suicune will unlock Zoroark in Pokemon 
Black and White, who can’t be caught in the wild normally

Shiny Suicune will be at Lv. 30, in a Cherish Ball, has a Classic Ribbon, and knows Extremespeed and Sheer Cold!

Gotta download them all! xD

C-130 a caminho do Egipto para trazer portugueses

Os portugueses que estão no Egipto vão poder regressar a Portugal num avião fretado pelo Governo português. A informação é avançada pela Lusa, que cita o embaixador português no Cairo, Aristides Vieira Gonçalves.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tomb Raiders: Looting Antiquities During the Egyptian Revolution

Watching American media outlets attempt to cover the events happening in Egypt over the past few days reminded me of just how ignorant we are about the rest of the world. For many Americans, Egypt remains the land of pharaohs, mummies, and pyramids and not the modern state so connected to the rest of the globe that the world-wide economic troubles finally trickled down the Nile and inspired the masses to protest against the ruling body. And, yet, pharaohs, mummies, and pyramids do play a part in the story of the past week in Egypt—a tragic tale. Details remain sketchy, but it seems pretty certain that damage has been done to antiquities in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, home to the world’s biggest collection of pharaonic treasures, including the mummy of Queen Hatshepsut (Egypt’s only female pharaoh) and the greatest Egyptian artifact of them all—King Tutankhamun’s Golden Mask. King Tut rose to fame in the 20th century because tomb raiders never found his final resting place. Sadly, a new generation of tomb raiders might destroy in one sad moment of chaos what their predecessors missed over millennia. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Tomb Raiders."

Meet the next Nintendo 3DS rival! [ENG]

Hi there!

Wandering what will be the great rival for Nintendo 3DS?

Here it is!

This is NGP - Next Generation Portable, the future rival of Nintendo 3DS!

Here are some of the stats:
  • 5″ OLED touchscreen (supports multitouch)
  • Touchpad on the back that corresponds with the front screen
  • Dual analog sticks
  • GPS, 3G, and WiFi connectivity
  • Front camera and rear camera
  • Backwards compatibility with PSP titles DOWNLOADED from PSN
  • Six-axis motion detection
  • No UMD support

Nintendo 3DS First Impression! [ENG]

Hello there!

A lucky japanese boy had the amazing opportunity to play a little in the new Nintendo 3DS!

He shared this:

"Today I stopped by an electronics store in Shinjuku hoping that they would have the 3DS on display and possibly have a demo model to play with.  Luck was on my side so I did get some time with the unit and can offer some initial thoughts based on my play time.

First off- the 3D works.  I had mentioned previously that I was a bit unsure that it was anything more than a gimmick.  My suspicions seemed to be wrong though, as it works quite well.  I got time to play around with Nintendogs + Cats and the 3D effect was definitely noticeable and unlike the regular graphics on the current DS(i).  You have to be standing still and keep your eyes focused on the screen to make it work.  Turning off the 3D produces a game experience that is the same as the current DS (besides all the new upgrades).

The graphics seem to be better, but it was hard to tell by how much without my DSi open next to me.  Since the handheld is just about to launch I also have to take into account the fact that this is new hardware for developers to toy with (even first party ones).  I expect that we’ll get a ‘wow’-factor soon enough.  The graphics *were* an improvement, don’t get me wrong.

One of the hardware aspects that excites me the most is the analog stick.  Although I’m sure the mechanisms work similar to the PSP’s analog “nub”, it works well and control feels smooth.  The hardware upgrade is worth purchasing just for this little guy.  The material is also soft, similar material as the Wii’s nunchuck has on its analog stick.  The top screen’s size boost also benefits the handheld and offers more real estate for developers to take advantage off.  The touchscreen seemed the same as the 3DSs predecessors, save for the addition of the three buttons bordering the bottom."

Pokémon Global Link anunciado! Pokémon Global Link Announced! [PT-ENG]

Olá pessoal!

Foi anunciado mais uma nova ferramenta dos jogos Pokémon Black e White Global Link!

Vejam o que é na secção inglesa deste post! ^^



It was announced the Pokémon Global Link, a new feature for Pokémon Black and White!

Leats see the official press!


Pokémon Global Link Extends Game Play Experience Online and Gives Trainers

New Ways to Communicate, Interact with Pokémon, and Earn Worldwide Ratings

BELLEVUE, WA - January 27th, 2011 - Players of Pokémon™ video games have always enjoyed communicating with others, and the newest Pokémon titles launching March 6th-Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version- will make it even easier to interact with fellow Pokémon Trainers from all over the world! The Pokémon Global Link web site, launching this spring after the new Pokémon video games hit shelves, will give players the ability to sync their game play from their Nintendo DS™ systems to PCs via the Internet, and access customizable web-only content, befriend additional Pokémon, communicate with fellow Pokémon Trainers, earn and view Worldwide Battle Ratings, and more. Pokémon Global Link offers a seamless play experience across both platforms-activities players do online will be reflected in their Nintendo DS games. Players will log onto Pokémon Global Link using their Pokémon Trainer Club accounts, which can be easily obtained for free at

Pokémon Global Link features three main components that enhance the Pokémon video game experience online. The Pokémon Dream World features all-new ways to interact with Pokémon in a customizable web-only setting, featuring mini games and scenarios that enable Pokémon and items to be transferred back into the Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version video game. The Global Battle Union allows players to keep track of their battle record against other players around the world and provides players a Worldwide Rating and an opportunity to compete in live events. Pokémon Global Link will also house the Pokémon Global Trade Station, launching later this year, giving players the ability to track Pokémon trades all over the world.

For the first time, video game players will enjoy the world of Pokémon online in the Pokémon Dream World. This new area in the Pokémon Global Link web site comes alive after you tuck a Pokémon into bed using the Game Sync feature of Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version. You can then enter that Pokémon's dream online. Inside the Pokémon Dream World, players can customize their Pokémon's home, grow Berries, and befriend other Pokémon by playing various mini games. Players can bring Pokémon they've befriended and items they've found back into their copy of Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version. Pokémon transferred from the Pokémon Dream World can even be trained for battle! Pokémon Trainers will also be able to communicate and share items with other players exploring the Pokémon Dream World.

After registering with Pokémon Global Link, players will also gain access to the Rating Mode in the Global Battle Union. Players will be able to earn a Worldwide Rating, which is calculated based on a player's battle score, and see where they stack up against Pokémon Trainers from all over the world. Aside from bragging rights within the Global Battle Union, top-performing players may qualify for invitations to live regional and national tournaments in the Pokémon Video Game Championship series for the opportunity to advance to the Pokémon World Championships in San Diego, California, in August.

"Pokémon Global Link will introduce brand-new ways to play Pokémon that enhance what players love most about the games-battling, trading and collecting Pokémon," said J.C. Smith, director of Consumer Marketing for The Pokémon Company International. "Giving players the ability to interact with Pokémon and other Pokémon Trainers online deepens the game's play experience and connects players from all over the world like never before."

Pokémon VideoGame Championships 2011! [PT-ENG]

Olá a todos!

Foram anunciadas as regras para quem quiser participar nos Video Games Championships de Pokémon este ano!

Os grandes vencedores disputarão o título no Mundial de Pokémon em San Diego, Califórnia!

As regras são as seguintes:

Em todos os torneios, serão utilizados apenas cartuchos das versões de Pokémon Black & Pokémon White;

Os jogadores esó podem usar os Pokémon da Região de Unova;
Não serão permitidos Pokémon repetidos na Team de um treinador;
Haverá três categorias para os competidores:

Divisão Júnior: Nascidos em 2000 ou depois (2001, 2002, ...);
Divisão Sénior: Nascidos entre 1996 e 1999;
Divisão Masters: Nascidos em 1995 ou antes (1994, 1993, ...)

Todos os Pokémon que estiverem acima do level 50, serão "rebaixados" temporariamente ao level 50. Aqueles que estiverem abaixo do level 50 permanecerão inalterados.

Além disso, durante o torneio serão realizadas batalhas duplas. Os treinadores poderão registrar de 4 a 6 Pokémons no início da competição e antes do começo de cada batalha, selecionarão 4 Pokémon para competir, usando 2 de cada vez.


Hello everyone!

Now we have the official rules for the Pokémon VideoGame Championships 2011! 

Below is the press release:

Join players from around the world and get ready to compete in the 2011 Pokémon Video Game Championship series! The series starts this spring and consists of multiple events across the United States and Europe - events where anyone can compete. Top players from the National Championships will be invited to the Pokémon Video Game World Championships, taking place this August in San Diego, California!

Here’s a quick snapshot of the major changes you’ll see at the 2011 Pokémon Video Game Championship competitions.
All of the events will be played exclusively on Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version, which will launch in early March. Players will be limited to Pokémon from the Unova Pokédex only, and no two Pokémon on a player’s team can have the same Pokédex number.

Players will compete in one of three age divisions, based on their date of birth:

  • Junior Division: Born in 2000 or later
  • Senior Division: Born in 1996, 1997, 1998, or 1999
  • Masters Division: Born in 1995 or earlier

Each battle will use the Double Battle rules. Players may register 4–6 Pokémon at the beginning of the tournament. Before the start of each battle, players will select 4 Pokémon to use that round, with two Pokémon active at once.

During each battle, all Pokémon will be capped at Level 50. Any Pokémon that is Level 51 or higher will temporarily be reduced to Level 50 for the duration of each battle. Pokémon that are Level 49 or lower will not be raised to Level 50. Pokémon retain all moves they’ve learned, regardless of when they were learned.

Look out for more details after the release of Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version!

Novo Jogo de Pokémon: Battle & Get! Pokémon Typing DS New Pokémon Game: Battle & Get! Pokémon Typing DS [PT-ENG]


Tudo bem?

A Nintendo revelou informações sobre um novo jogo Pokémon para a Nintendo DS
O jogo chama-se Battle & Get! Pokémon Typing DS e será lançado em Abril no Japão, sendo o primeiro spin-off da 5ª geração.

Como podem ver acima, junto com o cartucho do jogo, virá um teclado bluetooth, pois o jogo baseia-se na digitação dos nomes dos novos Pokémon.

Além das informações sobre o novo jogo, foi revelado pela Nintendo que novos títulos de Pokémon estão a ser desenvolvidos para a Wii e Nintendo 3DS!

Quem o diz é o próprio presidente da Nintendo, Satoru Iwata: "Estamos também a produzir produtos relacionados com Pokémon para a Nintendo Wii e Nintendo 3DS. Ao longo do tempo vamos informar-vos sobre eles."

 Eis como funcionará!



How are you?

Hope you are fine! ^^

Nintendo has revealed information about a new Pokemon game for Nintendo DS.

The game is called Battle & Get! Typing Pokemon DS and will be released in April in Japan! 

It's the first spin-off of the 5th generation!


As you can see above, along with the game cartridge, will be a bluetooth keyboard, because the game is based on typing the names of the new Pokemon.

The game is a touch typing tutor which utilizes Pokémon to make the learning experience a lot more enjoyable. Children can work towards the goal of being able to touch type but also have fun with many of the new 5th Generation Pokémon. However, the game is not just targeted at kids as adults will also find the game challenging even for those that already have good typing skills.

The game comes with a Bluetooth compliant keyboard and the ROM cart for Battle & Get! Pokémon Typing DS also has a built-in Bluetooth communication chip to allow the Nintendo DS to wirelessly communicate with the keyboard. Nintendo will not guarantee compatibility with other devices other than the Nintendo DS but the in-house prototype of the keyboard can connect to the iPhone and Android devices. 

In addition to information about the new game, it was revealed by Nintendo that new Pokémon titles are being developed for Wii and Nintendo 3DS!

So says the president of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata: "We are also producing products related to Pokemon for Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS. Over time we will inform you about them."

This is how it will work!

Pokémons da 5ª Geração com os seus nomes Ocidentais! 5th Generation Pokémon with their "new" names! [PT-ENG]

Olá a todos!

Fica aqui a lista praticamente oficial da 5ª Geração de Pokémons e os seus nomes em inglês!


Hello everyone!

Here is the 5th Generation Pokédex list, with official english names!

Batalhas Triplas! [PT-ENG]


A Nintendo anunciou as Batalhas Triplas, uma das novidades dos jogos Pokémon Black e White!

Na secção inglesa deste post está o comunicado oficial.^^



Nintendo just announced the Tripple Battles, one of the new features for Pokémon Black and White games!

Bellow is the official press release:

"The upcoming Pokémon™ Black Version and Pokémon White Version games for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems feature more than 150 never-before-seen-Pokémon™. No matter which version players choose, they're sure to have fun with an array of expanded features for taking their Pokémon into battle, either in the game's main adventure, or head-to-head against friends.

Triple Battles debut in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version, giving players more ways than ever to battle their customized team of Pokémon. Conducted in three-on-three format, Triple Battles introduce even more strategy to the game's already deep battle system. Depending on a Pokémon's placement in the battle lineup, it will only be able to attack certain Pokémon from an opponent's trio, providing an exciting new way to battle. For example, a Pokémon in the center of a player's lineup can attack any of its three opponents. However, a Pokémon positioned on the left or right of the formation can only attack the Pokémon in the middle of the opposing lineup, or directly in front of it.

The new C-Gear device in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version gives players an easier way to battle with others, and multiple ways of interacting with friends. Using IR Communication that's built into the game card, players can quickly connect with friends to battle and trade Pokémon faster than ever before. Even exchanging Friend Codes is easier, with only a tap of the stylus needed to add them to your list. C-Gear also grants players a variety of game play and communication tools that utilize a local wireless connection and the Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection service (broadband Internet access required). Players have the option to always utilize the C-Gear while playing, allowing for instant access to other players around them — even displaying what nearby players are doing in the game.

Another new feature in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version is the Wi-Fi Random Matchup, which allows players to battle others from around the world over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service without needing to exchange Friend Codes, opening up even more opportunities for players to test their teams in battle."

Especial de Pokémon - OVAs 17 e 18! Pokémon special! OVAs 17 and 18! [PT-ENG]

Olá pessoal!

Depois da exibição do episódio 18 de Best Wishes no Japão, foi apresentado o preview do próximo episódio!

Estes 2 episódios serão um especial de 1 hora e contarão as novas aventuras de Brock e Dawn agora sem Ash por perto!

Fiquem com o vídeo!


Hello everybody!

After the screening of episode 18 of Best Wishes in Japan, it was presented the preview for the  next episode!

These 2 episodes are a special, with one hour and will show the new adventures of Brock and Dawn, now without Ash around!

Stay with the video!

Nomes dos protagonistas revelados! Pokémon Best Wishes "English" names revealed! [PT-ENG]


Foram revelados os nomes oficiais "ocidentais" que os protagonistas de Best Wishes que viajarão com Ash na região de Unova terão!

Iris irá manter o seu nome original!

Dent passará a chamar-se Cilan!

Uma curiosidade relativamente a estas personagens: Iris é uma Gym Leader no Pokémon White!

Cilan é um Gym Leader em ambos os jogos!



It was revealed the official "english" names that the protagonists of "Best Wishes", traveling with Ash in Unova region will have!
Iris will keep its original name!

Dent will be called Cilan!

A curiosity for these characters:

Iris is a Gym Leader in Pokémon White!
Cilan is a Gym Leader in both games!

Pokémon no World Hobby Fair 2011! Pokémon at World Hobby Fair 2011! [PT-ENG]

Olá pessoal!

World Hobby Fair 2011 começou há uns dias atrás no Kyocera Dome em Osaka e teve direito a vários eventos ligados ao Pokémon!

Um gigantesco Pikachu dá as boas vindas aos inúmeros visitantes do evento!

Misaki, Hana e Maria: estas são algumas das apresentadoras do programa Pokémon Smash! 
Elas ensinaram as regras do Pokémon Trading Card Game, fizeram um Pokémon Quizz e batalharam nos jogos Black e White!

Quem levou a Nintendo DS não saiu de mãos a abanar! 
Foi oferecido um novo Zoroark de evento, que é o Zoroark do 13º filme*!

* Zoroark estará dentro de uma Cherish Ball e será Macho;

Terá o Classic Ribbon as seguintes características:

OT: ポケスマ!
ID: 01161
Habilidade: Illusion

Bark Out

O evento será via Wi-Fi, começa a 15 de Fevereiro e termina a 14 de Março no Japão!

Gostavam de saber quem dá voz ao Ash em japonês? ;D

Aqui está!

Rica Matsumoto é a pessoa que dá voz e vida ao Ash [Satoshi no Japão]!
Ela também canta diversos temas da série e no evento ela cantou o tema "Best Wishes!" 
(ベストウイッシュ!), o primeiro opening da nova série!


Hello everybody!

World Hobby Fair 2011 began a few days ago at Kyocera Dome in Osaka and was entitled to several events related to the Pokémon!

A giant Pikachu will welcome the many visitors to the event!

Misaki, Hana and Mary: these are some of the presenters of the program Pokémon Smash!
They taught the rules of the Pokemon Trading Card Game, made a Pokémon Quizz and make a battle competition for Pokémon Black and White!

Who tooked the Nintendo DS was not left empty handed!

Zoroark was offered in a new event, which is the 13th film Zoroark *!

* Zoroark will be inside a Cherish Ball and will be male;
It will have the Classic Ribbon and the following characteristics:

OT: ポケスマ!
ID: 01161
Skill: Illusion
Bark Out

The event to get it  will be via Wi-Fi, begins February 15 and ends on March 14 in Japan!

Do you ever wanted to know gives voice to Ash in Japanese? : D

Here it is!

Rica Matsumoto is the person who gives voice and life to Ash [Satoshi in Japan]!
She also sings several themes of the series and in the event she sang the theme Best Wishes! (ベストウイッシュ!), the first opening of the new series!