Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dollars and Sense: Andy Warhol: Making Money

“Hey, Kiddo.” When she was a young girl, Berkeley Reinhold would pick up the phone and hear Andy Warhol greet her with those words. Although he was calling for her father, a close friend, Warhol would take the time to talk to Berkeley about what she and her friends were interested in. “She was Andy’s window into the younger generation,” explains Deborah Harry in her preface to Andy Warhol: Making Money, a facsimile edition of a unique art book that Warhol created for Berkeley as a Christmas gift. Reinhold shares that gift with the public through this edition, which not only documents Warhol’s fascination with the dollar sign as a symbol, but also Warhol’s sense of playfulness, which this young girl in his life helped bring out. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Dollars and Sense."

[Many thanks to Rizzoli USA for providing me with a review copy of and the image above from Andy Warhol: Making Money.]