Friday, August 6, 2010

F-se! OFF! "There is no way out for me " ...

OFF The Band 

In every moment of my life
Whatever i did, wherever I was
My shadow was always behind me
He saw my sins and all of my flaws
That’s why my shadow always
Reminds me of all of my memories
And turns them all
Into a hell with no release
I’m a prisoner of my shadow
There is no way out for me
The shadow and all the memories
Will stay forever with me
People say that a shadow can only get killed by the light
It’s a phrase that only a blind fool may think is right
Shadows are born in light’s womb
Light is their mother not their tomb

So I will hold on to the nights
To stay away from my shadow’s claws
I will hold on to the nights
To stay away from my shadow’s claws

Every time I see my shadow
It reminds me of a mass production of love
Between you and him
a mass production of love
Every time I see my shadow
It reminds me of revenge
Its bitter taste is stuck in my teeth
And now there is no relief
People say that a shadow can only get killed by the light
It’s a phrase that only a blind fool may think is right
Shadows are born in light’s womb
Light is their mother not their tomb

So I will hold on to the nights
To stay away from my shadow’s claws
I will hold on to the nights
To stay away from my shadow’s claws
So I will hold on to the nights
To stay away from my shadow’s claws
So I will hold on to the nights
To stay away from my shadow’s claws

Cartoons, Javad Alizadeh 

F-se! OFF !!  Um mergulho no Irão, a carga emocional que o farsi transmite, mesmo sem entendermos uma palavra, é desconcertante Y arrebata para uma dimensão OFF  "Hey come on!! Do you want a piece of me?"