Monday, March 2, 2009

Classic Rock

For February’s Art Poll By Bob, I tried to get romantic in honor of Valentine’s Day and asked, “Which of these famous kisses gets you in the mood?” You responded passionately, setting a new polling record of 133 votes cast. Gustav Klimt's The Kiss (1907-1908) edged out Auguste Rodin's The Kiss (1889) 30 to 29. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's "slutty" In Bed: The Kiss (1892) came in third with 19 votes. Edvard Munch's The Kiss (1892) eerily edged out Marc Chagall's The Birthday (1915) 16 votes to 12. Constantin Brancusi's The Kiss (1908) and Franz von Stuck's The Kiss of the Sphinx (1895) tied with 9 admirers. William-Adolphe Bouguereau chaste The First Kiss (1873) won 5 hearts, just beating Roy Lichtenstein's Kiss V (1965) and its 4 pity votes. Thanks to everyone who wore their heart on their sleeve and clicked for their favorite.

For March, the month of the famous Ides, Julius Caesar least favorite day but the subject of one of my favorite Shakespeare plays, I’m going with a classic rock format (ala Keith Moon of The Who, above) and asking, “Which of these famous statues of antiquity makes you get all old school?”:

Antinous Mondragone (130 CE)

Apollo Belvedere (4th century BCE)

Barberini Faun (3rd century BCE)

Belvedere Torso (2nd century BCE)

Dying Gaul (3rd century BCE)

Farnese Hercules (3rd century CE)

Laocoon and his Sons (2nd or 1st century BCE)

Nike of Samothrace (3rd century BCE)

Satyr or Faun of Praxiteles (2nd century BCE)

Venus de Milo (2nd century BCE)

So, render unto Caesar what is his, but render your vote in this month’s poll today!