Wednesday, October 8, 2008

F-se! Um Combate Contra Uma Existência Artificial.

"We humans are inclined to forget or ignore the principles of existence. They include: every action directly impacts our environment, change is unavoidable, stasis is unnatural, time is beyond our influence, conception is the commencement of death as well as life, and many others. Our challenge is to humbly accept Nature’s gifts and live by the lessons set before us without imposing our arrogant will upon each other and the planet.
As humans more fully embrace technology we feel an increasing sense of anxiety, disorientation and fear. To compensate, our desire for predictability and order ignites a voracious hunger for control that induces us to force Nature to relinquish her secrets. Once a trusted provider, she is now viewed as "shifty", inadequate, and needing improvement. We manipulate our surroundings in an attempt to manage time, eliminate unforeseen change, and establish a permanent sense of stability. We go to great lengths to surround ourselves with psychological, physical, spiritual, social, and cultural environments that we hope will last. The result is an increasingly artificial existence.
By combining detailed realism, surrealism, and symbolism I convey the universal language of Nature as I understand it. I visually combine the human figure, plants, animals, and all other forms of matter in natural tableaux vivants. These scenarios present our existence as either environmentally harmonious or complicated by human contrivances. My paintings serve as a reminder to myself, and perhaps to others, that all life on Earth is but a single organism. The world I depict is one where interdependencies prosper and hierarchies crumble."

F-se! Desde Leda Ao Fardo Acessórrio! Sim, "Nós os humanos estamos inclinados a esquecer ou a ignorar os princípios da existência.". Imaginamo-nos com asas nos pés, não é?