Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Possível Rotação para HGSS-on em Julho? Possible Rotation to HGSS-on in July? [PT-ENG]

Parece que as minhas preces foram ouvidas! xD

Depois de imenso tempo, e devido às novas regras impostas em Black & White no Pokémon TCG, a Pokémon pondera mudar o formato antes do Mundial de Pokémon. 

Ela espera desta forma evitar ainda mais injustiças das que tem acontecido nos últimos tempos, e que aos poucos, estão a levar muitas pessoas e comunidades inteiras de jogadores a abandonar ou a suspender as suas actividades até à rotação de formato.

Assim, e até meados de Junho, a Pokémon decidirá se o formato muda para HGSS-on em Julho ou se muda como habitualmente apenas em Setembro.

Esta mudança no calendário sem dúvida que vai afectar imenso a comunidade de jogadores que se vai deslocar a San Diego, ao Mundial de Pokémon, em Agosto.

Na minha opinião, é uma mudança mais do que justa, e só peca por apenas ser tomada agora. 

Os meus jogadores há quase 2 meses jogam no formato HGSS-on e foi das melhores decisões que arrisquei tomar, pelo bem da minha comunidade de jogadores. 

Além de tornar as competições mais justas, foi uma verdadeira lufada de ar fresco para todos.

Segue o press release da Pokémon na secção inglesa deste post!


It seems that my prayers were heard! xD

After a long time, and due to new rules "imposed" in Black & White TCG, Pokémon  is considering changing the format of the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

She hopes thereby to avoid further injustice of what has happened in recent times, and gradually are leading many people and entire communities of players to abandon or suspend their activities until the format rotation.

Thus, until mid-June, the Pokémon will decide if the format changes to HGSS-on in July or moves just as usual in September.

This change in schedule no doubt it will affect the vast community of players who will travel to San Diego to the Pokémon WorldChampionship in August.

In my opinion, is a change more than just, and only bad for only being taken now.

My players play for nearly two months in the format HGSS-on and was one of the best decisions I ventured to take, for the good of my community of players.

In addition to making the competition more fair, it was a real breath of fresh air for everyone.

Here is the Press Release Pokémon send:

"Pokémon Organized Play has developed a Modified format to encourage a diverse and vital competitive environment.

With the release of the Pokémon Trading Card Game: Black & White expansion later this month, players will see some changes to the TCG rules. With so many different cards interacting with the new rules, Pokémon Organized Play will be taking extra care to ensure the competitive environment remains as fun and fair as it has always been for our players.

To provide a fun, positive tournament experience for all Play! Pokémon members, we may rotate some older sets out of the Modified format earlier in the year than the typical September 1st rotation date.

The next Modified format will include expansions from HeartGold & SoulSilver to the present. Under normal circumstances, this rotation would take effect September 1st, 2011. However, should we deem it necessary to maintain a healthy competitive environment, the rotation would take effect on July 1st instead.

The final decision will be announced in early June.

Please note that some Premier events in Europe may not incorporate rules and cards from the Pokémon TCG: Black & White expansion. Contact your local event organizers to confirm which expansions will be allowed.

Thank you for your understanding throughout this process! Pokémon Organized Play strives to keep players as up-to-date as possible to help you be best prepared to perform at your peak at every Pokémon TCG event."