Friday, April 29, 2011

Exxon/Mobil Matching Gifts to LSU benefit LSU Opera

Students Danielle Greiner (l.) and Megan Barrera (inside left) and Prof. Michael Borowitz (far r.)

Megan Barrera, a native of Miami, FL is currently finishing her Master's in Music at Louisiana State University.  She completed her undergraduate degree, a Bachelor in Music, at the University of Miami, FL (2009).
Danielle Greiner, a Mezzo-soprano from Treynor, IA is in the  Master’s program at LSU and has an undergraduate degree from Simpson College in Iowa. She has been an apprentice artist for two seasons at the Des Moines Metro Opera.
Michael Borowitz (Music Director of LSU Opera) American conductor and pianist is Assistant Professor of Opera with Louisiana State University, as well as Artistic Director of Nevada Opera and music director of the Ohio Light Opera.

Provost Hamilton and Exxon officials with matching gift check,
surrounded by members of the LSU community and LSU Foundation