A Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to everyone who's been following things here on Art Blog By Bob over the years. 2010's been an eventful year. Alex is a year older now. Little brother Jamie arrived in February and has been 10 months' worth of love. I completed my MA in Education and plunged into the teaching profession full time. Ironically, I fled the corporate world and found myself teaching a college class in, of all things, writing for the corporate world. Blogging for Big Think has changed the look and feel of Art Blog By Bob from the first few years--making it less personal at times--but I hope that the same individual voice comes through in the writing. However, going professional, so to speak, doesn't allow me to indulge in these personal little asides. So here are some photos to put you in the holiday mood. Peace and joy to all in a better and more beautiful 2011.