Thursday, December 9, 2010

[Important!] News about European Challenge Cup 2011! [ENG]

European Challenge Cup 2011

This tournament will be held on Saturday 19 February (Swiss rounds) and Sunday 20 February (finals) 2011 at Sporthal Elderveld, Breezandpad 13, NL-6843 JM Arnhem, The Netherlands.*

*The venue is just a couple of kilometres from the German border, it's trainstation one of the major stops of international trains coming from the Airports of Cologna (Köln - Germany) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands). There is a public tribune where family and nonplaying friends can watch the games from reasonable distance. A catering service is present at the location, just like a shopping mall at a distance of 500 meters with several restaurants and supermarkets. The venue is easily to reach with public transport from the Central Station, where also most of the hotels are located. There are enough possibilities for parking cars in the vicinity of the venue. The whole building will be available for the whole weekend for the tournament exclusively. No food or drinks allowed in the playing area, at the tribunes only drinks in plastic cups.

The tournament starts at 10.00 am, but the registration at the venue opens at 08.00 am (till 09.00 am).

A total of nearly 600 participants can be accommodated.
The size of the divisions are dependent on the number of players. 

The tournament is open to participants from all over the world.


Preregistration starts at: December, 10th, 2011, at the Dutch OP site: under button “Inschrijven toernooien”. Under button "European Challenge Cup" information is provided in several languages.

Please add your country code behind your name in the registration form. For example: Danny Player (UK)

All preregistrators will receive a letter of confirmation with all kind of information about the tournament, public transport, hotels, etc.

Tournament structure:

Participants play with their own decks in the Modified Constructed format.

That means that the use of cards is limited to certain series. Prior to the tournament, during the player meeting, one has to hand over a decklist and during the tournaments there will be deck checks.

Participants are divided into 3 divisions, dependent on the year of birth. These divisions are:

  • Junior division: born in 2000 or later;
  • Senior division: born in 1996, 1997, 1998 or 1999;
  • Masters division: born in 1995 or earlier.
At Saturday the tournament is run using Age Modified Swiss pairings, gameplay in rounds of 30 minutes + 3 turns. During this part of the tournament each pairing is made randomly by the Tournament Operations Manager program, the results of the competitors will influence the pairings of the next round. 

The outcome of a match of each player is of importance to one’s rating and thus helps players to earn an invite for the World Championships. The European Challenge Cup 2011 will have a rating with a K-value of 32. Based on the number of attendants per division there will be a Top-cut (max. Top-32). Top-cut will be played at Sunday being 2-out-of-3 + 3 turns in rounds of 60 minutes.

Program (preliminary):

Saturday 19 February 2011:

8.00 - 9.00 am - Registration players, handing out letter with player information in their own language
9.30 am - opening hall to players to check player roster and hand over decklists;
9.45 am - pairings
10.00 am - start first round Swiss.
Lunch after round 2 for 1 hour.

Sunday 20 February 2011 :

9.30 - 10.00 am - Arrival finalists/pairings
10.00 am - Start first round finals. Lunch after round 2 for 1 hour.
10.00 - 10.45 am - Registration Side Events
11.00 am - 16.00 pm Side events
17.00 pm - End of last round finalists (MA division) followed by handing out the prizes to the Winners of the ECC 2011

Don’t forget when you participate in this tournament:

  • Take care that you have your PlayerID at hand;
  • Read the tournament rules, so you know what to bring to this event;
  • Have your decklist form (see left under the decklist button) filled in completely prior to the tournament and hand it over to staff at the player meeting at 9.30 h am;
  • At 09.45 h am the pairings are made up and the tournament starts at 10.00 am;
  • Be at the venue on time.

1st place: 1st place Regionals Trophy and 36 boosters of Call of Legends
2nd place: 2nd place Regionals Trophy and 36 boosters of Call of Legends
3rd place: 3rd place Regionals Trophy and 36 boosters of Call of Legends
4rd place: 4th place Regionals Trophy and 36 boosters of Call of Legends
5th-8th place: 18 boosters of Call of Legends
9th-16th place: 9 boosters of Call of Legends
All participants receive a booster of Call of Legends and a Regionals promo at registration.

Admission fee: 5 euros

Side Events:

On Sunday there will be a number of side events for those interested that didn't make Topcut. There will be a (pre)release of Call of Legends too. Side event structures and prizes will be announced at the European Challenge Cup 2011.


For those in need of a hotel, the hotel information will follow later in this thread! In the letter of confirmation this info will be provided too.

Questions and specified information:

With all questions or in need of specified information you are welcome to send an email to:

P.S. - Todos os jogadores portugueses que estejam interessados em participar, é favor contactar com a maior breviedade possível o LL Josuke através do email: , para que ele possa começar a organizar a viagem. 
Quanto mais cedo se preparar tudo, mais barata fica a viagem!