Friday, November 5, 2010

At Your Fingertips: David Hockney's iPad Art

Apparently you can teach some old dogs new tricks. In a piece by Digital Planet producer Colin Grant, artist David Hockney discusses his love affair with his iPhone and iPad and how he uses those new technologies to create art (such as the example above). In a new exhibition titled Fleurs fraiches (“fresh flowers”) at La Fondation Pierre Bergé–Yves Saint Laurent in Paris, France, Hockney displays these new works together for the first time. It’s fascinating to watch such an established artist venture forth in a yet-to-be-established medium, lending it the “street cred” that it so sorely needs to combat critics who still cling to the old media as the only “true” art. Working directly with his fingers on the interfaces of his devices, Hockney brings art not only from his fingertips, but also puts it just a fingertip away for the viewer. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "At Your Fingertips."