Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sex and Drugs: Botticelli’s Dirty Little Secret

While researching the Botticelli’s Venus and Mars (shown) at the National Gallery, London, David Bellingham, a program director at Sotheby’s Institute of Art, made an interesting discovery. The fruit held by a satyr lurking in the bottom right corner of the painting bore a resemblance to the fruit of the plant known to scientists as Datura stramonium, and known to others as “the thorn apple,” “locoweed,” or “the Devil’s trumpet.” Those who have tasted of this forbidden fruit often hallucinate to the point of madness and stripping off of clothes. Botticelli gives us in Venus and Mars the fifteenth century version of sex and drugs. If only rock and roll had been invented back then… Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Sex and Drugs."

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Status Anxiety: A Social Scientist’s View of the Art World

In a recent article in The Australian, Matthew Westwood writes about Canadian social scientist Sarah Thornton, whose book Seven Days in the Art World (cover above) “explores the dynamics of creativity, taste, judgment, status, money, and the search for beauty in life.” In other words, this social scientist argues that contemporary art is not a science, and that judging great art and great artists has always been a cutthroat business in which status rather than talent often reigns supreme. It’s easy to understand these concepts when discussing contemporary art, where status is as freshly bestowed and easily wiped clear as wet paint. But Thornton’s thesis holds value even for the hallowed halls of art history. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Status Anxiety."

Friday, May 28, 2010

Out of Africa: Dynasty and Divinity at the British Museum

For many people, even those most enlightened when it comes to art and culture, Africa remains “the dark continent” out of which little emerges that sparks interest. The Museum for African Art, set to open in 2011 in New York City, hopes to shine new light on the ancient art of Africa and establish that tradition as just as rich, diverse, and important as those more familiar to the Western world. Featuring more than 100 bronze, terra-cotta, and stone sculptures created between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, Dynasty and Divinity: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria kicks off this effort to bring a taste of the majesty and magic of African art to the west while simultaneously drawing in the imaginations of the intellectually curious who have always wanted to pierce to the heart of the darkness surrounding a continent and its people. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Out of Africa."

[Image: Head called “Lajuwa.” Ife Palace, Ife. 12th-15th century C.E. Terra-cotta. © National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Nigeria. Photo Courtesy Museum for African Art/Fundacion Marcelino Botin. (Photo: Karin L. Willis.)]

[Many thanks to the Museum for African Art for providing me with the image, press materials, and a review copy of the catalog for Dynasty and Divinity: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria, which will be one of their inaugural exhibitions when they open in 2011.]

Reveladas as mascotes de Pokémon Black & White!!

Olá a todos!

Após uma série de dias sem que houvesse novidades interessantes no Mundo Pokémon, eis que hoje aconteceu algo fenomenal!

Há umas horas atrás foram lançadas oficialmente as mascotes de Pokémon Black & White!

Os seus nomes são Reshiran e Zekrom!!

Fiquem com as imagens!

E as imagens deles nas capas dos novos jogos!

De acordo com o anúncio vamos ter os jogos na sua versão inglesa na Primavera de 2011!

É uma grande notícia!

Mal podemos esperar para jogar!

League Leader

Miley Cyrus quer deixar de ser menina

A estrela da Disney Miley Cyrus, de 17 anos, gastou qualquer coisa como 2.500 euros em lingerie. Segundo fontes próximas, a jovem cantora e actriz está cansada da imagem de menina bem comportada que fixou com ‘Hannah Montana’ e quer agora mostrar um lado mais irrevente e ousado.

Quem não está a ver com bons olhos esta decisão da protagonista de ‘A Melodia do Adeus’ é o pai, o músico Billy Ray Cyrus, que sempre se mostrou muito protector e cauteloso em relação à carreira da filha.

"Billy Ray está muito preocupado com Miley, pois não quer que ela destrua uma imagem criada ao longo de anos na televisão e que lhe rendeu uma multidão de fãs”, sublinhou uma fonte próxima da família.

fonte: vidas

Lúcia Custódio invade capa da Maxmen de junho

Release de Pokémon Unleashed!

Olá a todos!

Um pequeno post apenas para relembrar que amanhã, dia 29 de Maio, teremos o Release de Pokémon Unleashed na Liga Pokémon Porto!

O evento começará às 10 horas da manhã!

A inscrição custa 26 euros, que dá direito a 6 boosters, um pack de sleeves, uma carta promocional e um booster extra no final do evento.

Conforme o número de participantes, cada jogador pode vir a ganhar ainda mais boosters!

Espero por ti amanhã!

League Leader

Sofia Ribeiro e Nuno Janeiro podem estar separados

Thursday, May 27, 2010

José Carlos Pereira com novo amôr

To Catch a Thief: Why American Museums Are Safer Than European Museums

A recent Washington Post article by Jacqueline Trescott and Dan Zak made the bold, but hard to argue with statement that United States museums foil thieves much better than their European counterparts do, for a vast number of reasons, some of which are beyond the control of museum administrators. Art crime is a $6 million USD business, but a fraction of that happens on American soil. What, if anything, can United States art institutions, the new kid on the art world block, teach the old heads of Europe? Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "To Catch a Thief."

[Image: George Braque’s 1906 Olive Tree Near Estaque, recently stolen from the Paris Museum of Modern Art.]

Augustus casa a filha Raquel

Bruna Real, depois do exito na PlayBoy vem o destaque da tv7 dias

As mais belas dos globos de ouro na caras

Mourinho vai viver vida de luxo em Madrid

Fotos de casamento de Luciana Abreu em revista

Congrats to LSU's Stacey SImmons

Be sure and watch the video at the bottom of this page.

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