Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The scum-bag that leftists "adore"

Mir-Hossein Moussavi is nothing but a despicable creature that became the most current target of the mass hysteria that left displays some of these days. Having chosen one "candidate for the presidency" by the Guardian Council of the Revolution - criminal entity that has been thirty years killing, oppressing and exploiting the Iranians -, decoratively served for sham election, and predictably defeated by the elected MPs, the ineffable Ahmadinedjad.

We entered into the leftist collective paranoia, apparently deluding himself with the real situation inside the country, where the crowd just seems to use Moussavi as an excellent pretext for a general uprising against the regime of the Ayatollah. But we know more about this "liberation" as the satisfaction of our fellow "libertarian socialist":
1981 - "It is the second stage of the revolution ... it was after these events rediscover our Islamic identity," said the creature on the taking of hostages at the U.S. embassy.
1981-88 Prime Minister's total and absolute confidence of Khomeiny, became a zealous promoter of a political radical, surrounding itself with extremists. Promoted the creation of Hezbollah and encouraged terrorist operations in Lebanon. Railway was a supporter of state control over the economy - here is a theme dear to the BE and HP's "modern" - while the party headed for total war against Iraq. Even in the economy under his government were known robbery of the property and set up the policy of clerical supremacy in all fields of business, with the payment of tithes heavy crows, bribery, and rates of "authorization" .
Sponsoring the training of contingents of children soldiers who served as "cannon fodder" during the conflict.
During his tenure as prime minister, organized the political police, for the radical and violent repression of any opposition to the theocratic state. Are the time the great purges, which were summarily executed thousands of people - over 30,000 - next or remotely related to the imperial regime.
2009, the "great liberal democrat" and Mussavi, proposes:
- Continuation of the project of nuclear weapons.
- Opposition to any change in the constitution of the system, and in favor of maintaining the principle of Velayat-e-Faih, ie the absolute clerical government.
Our most esfusiantes congratulations to their politically correct fans of trotskists and some former "Compagnons de route" and future "socialists". Thus we have an excellent opportunity to assess the consistency of these defenders of equality, alternative issues, etc..