Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The flag that the media try to hide

The images that the international press does not explain. Around the world, the Iranian diaspora leaving the streets in protest, bearing the flag of imperial Pahlevi. The televisions were unanimous in the dissemination of images of protesters visibly excited and are supporters of the establishment of a political model which in the words of Reza Ciro, would be near the Spanish constitutional system. Berlin, London, Paris, Washington, New York yesterday was the day of protest that may not have passed unnoticed even to the authorities in power in Tehran. These exiles have some influence abroad, and academically qualified people and party of the complete separation of mosque and state. A real brain teaser for the Western political analysts, always averse to understanding historical and social realities of non-European.

However, the regime of Ayatollah received more support in the international arena. Mr Hugo Chávez of Venezuela called for the resistance of the Iranian revolution ", already expected a reaction of one of the most dictatorial in evidence. The second support, even indirectly, has the words of Mr Trichet, the president of the Bank, warning against "Iran in the destabilization that is likely to aggravate the international economic crisis." This caricature of virtual power called "Europe", seems to send the rest of the world, the most clear and unequivocal evidence of weakness and fear denouncing the worst of all, the cupidity that overrides the values of freedom as proclaimed. It would be interesting to know whether this view is akin to the European Commission, or whether only the most apparent characteristics of the eccentricities of France, traditionally a champion of the gaffe on international politics. We await the response of Barroso.