Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Israel helps Ahmadinejad

The international policy, always followed the criteria that can sometimes be regarded as alien to the desirability of a certain time. Yesterday, President Shimon Peres delivered a disastrous speech that instead of what you want appears, is helping the cause of Khamenei and his puppet Ahmadinejad.

Freedom, democracy, end of violence and women's rights, these are some of the key points of communication of the Israeli president, just when the ramshackle regime of Ayatollah clear points the finger at "outside interference" in pushing the "terrorists, destabilizing agents and traitors "infiltrators in the demonstrations in the Iranian capital. Peres could not provide a better service to Ahmadinejad, making it simply unbelievable that a speech such as this was not previously reviewed and evaluated the possible consequences on internal Iran Apparently, the Israeli interest to maintain this regime for a radical and hateful West always timid in the face of threats made by extremists.

Israel has always wanted to be the exclusive pedestrian confidence that troubled western region. In the last decade of the reformist reign of Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlevi, the prospect of a hegemonic Iran and enjoying the category of strong U.S. ally, has made Tel Aviv afraid a gradual loss of influence in foreign policy from Washington. The interviews of the emperor about the excessive dominance of pro-Israeli lobby in the U.S., the progressive expression of autonomy in the Persian Gulf, the internal reforms and a more active and demanding within OPEC, led the Carter administration as to condescend the hypothesis of the collapse of the regime, triggering a series of events that the U.S. could not control.

Not be credible considering an Israeli initiative that avoid the usual and thorough analysis of the simple conveniences and well being, it is likely that this speech Peres serves as an excellent argument, the crisper the reaction of the Ayatollah in the face of street demonstrations. In the eyes of their little quantifiable supporters, Ahmadinejad is loaded right. Iran is not Portugal and nationalism is grown there as the reason for the country, appearing always threatening the spectrum of the theory of siege and the conspiracy of enemies eager to despoil the old empire.