Wednesday, July 1, 2009

F-se! People's chat on the street... Sent report to Bazr student magazine-30th of June

News had spread out about something is going to happen in town on Monday because the guardian council 5-day deadline for reviewing the election is finishing.I thought,there's no way to miss today.
Tehran was full of security militia forces.But people were every where on streets in pressed groups,in the intersections,pedestrian ways and parks.They were saying that it will be demonstration from Tajrish sq to Railway.But it was seeing to be impossible because of the big number of suppress forces.They had occupied all the squares,roundabouts and intersections and also were standing all along Valieasr street in the queue.
People were diagnosing insiders form informers and spies and were talking to each other.
They were informing each other of setting on fire the new Khamenei's photos on billboards which had been installed recently to make people afraid more and also they were teaching each other how to fight with militia forces.
"You can not set these billboards on fire easily, you have to pour some alcohol on them first and then use the fire(match)"
Mothers alongside their wounded and beaten daughters,were exchanging experiences.
"We identified the plain clothe who has beaten my daughter and we will give him a lesson very soon,everyone has to do the same thing"
It was a really good time for people to talk to each other about Islam,Islamic government and who they really were and the fact that they obtained their power in collusion with imperialists,about Mousavi and being a part of this system and what happened in 60's(during 1980 to 1990).They were talking over that we want a modern society which people can kindly and without fear sit next to each other and even though they do not know each other but still know that they all are coming from same class and level and can talk about their opinions.They were talking about how they can start a new movement with chanting"Death to DICTATOR"and "Death to Islamic Republic"in their living areas.
You could hear people talking over"Neda Agha Soltan"every where.
Someone with a deep sadness said"They buried Neda in cemetery(Behesht Zahra)quietly"
The other one answered"Do not worry,this range is too vast and unbounded,they all will be converted to their anti's"
Everyone had heard or knew something were saying it to others.
"They are saying Rafsanjani is going to compromise.It was obvious from the beginning .Who the hell is he?King of this system."
"We don't know what to do with Mousavi,one day he says come out ,one day says don't"

ANSWER:"Get rid of delusion.Mousavi is part of this system and has came out from it.What we have to do with this regime is something that we have to decide not Mousavi who never forget to bound us with constitution and Khomeini and criminal system which he is one of its basis"
There was too much talk over all of these.I don't know what's going on in town.We had to leave that place.
But there were too much conflicts between young people and suppress forces in some areas of city.

Sent report to Bazr student magazine-30th of June